
Mocha 5全面基础入门培训视频教程(英文无字幕)

【11043】-Mocha 5全面基础入门培训视频教程(英文无字幕)

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    Mocha 5全面基础入门培训视频教程(英文无字幕)

    001 Welcome c4dsky.com.mp4
    002 mocha Pro vs. other mocha variations c4dsky.com.mp4
    003 Planar tracking vs. standard 2D tracking c4dsky.com.mp4
    004 Using the exercise files c4dsky.com.mp4
    005 Relinking footage c4dsky.com.mp4
    006 Interface introduction c4dsky.com.mp4
    007 Creating a mocha project c4dsky.com.mp4
    008 Setting preferences c4dsky.com.mp4
    009 Creating spline shapes c4dsky.com.mp4
    010 Playing back and tracking footage c4dsky.com.mp4
    011 Exporting data c4dsky.com.mp4
    012 Selecting a good pattern to track c4dsky.com.mp4
    013 Choosing track options c4dsky.com.mp4
    014 Adjusting search options c4dsky.com.mp4
    015 Preparing for corner pin tracking c4dsky.com.mp4
    016 Using tracking data in After Effects c4dsky.com.mp4
    017 Offsetting tracked data c4dsky.com.mp4
    018 Using tracking data with Boris Continuum c4dsky.com.mp4
    019 Editing X-spline and Bezier shapes c4dsky.com.mp4
    020 Using zoom windows and adding keyframes c4dsky.com.mp4
    021 Gauging the track with the grid and quick stabilize c4dsky.com.mp4
    022 Working with occlusions c4dsky.com.mp4
    023 Masking out occlusions c4dsky.com.mp4
    024 Refining with AdjustTrack c4dsky.com.mp4
    025 Using offset tracking c4dsky.com.mp4
    026 Changing track parameters mid-track c4dsky.com.mp4
    027 Working with channels and pixel percentages c4dsky.com.mp4
    028 Working with interlaced footage c4dsky.com.mp4
    029 Working with layer options c4dsky.com.mp4
    030 Combining masks c4dsky.com.mp4
    031 Starting a rotoscope and layer linking c4dsky.com.mp4
    032 Working with keyframes c4dsky.com.mp4
    033 Combining hand roto and tracking c4dsky.com.mp4
    034 Adding feathering to shapes c4dsky.com.mp4
    035 Importing shape data into After Effects c4dsky.com.mp4
    036 Combining masks and tracking in After Effects c4dsky.com.mp4
    037 Rendering masks in mocha c4dsky.com.mp4
    038 Using shape data with Boris Continuum c4dsky.com.mp4
    039 Stabilizing footage c4dsky.com.mp4
    040 Passing data with the mocha Pro plugin c4dsky.com.mp4
    041 Working with lens distortion c4dsky.com.mp4
    042 Setting up object removal c4dsky.com.mp4
    043 Applying object removal c4dsky.com.mp4
    044 Using the Insert module with mocha Pro c4dsky.com.mp4
    045 Stereoscopic workflow c4dsky.com.mp4
    046 3D camera tracking with Camera Solve c4dsky.com.mp4
    047 Exporting data from Camera Solve c4dsky.com.mp4
    048 Introduction to mocha VR and 360 c4dsky.com.mp4
    049 Stabilizing the horizon with mocha VR c4dsky.com.mp4
    050 Next steps c4dsky.com.mp4
    Mocha 5全面基础入门培训视频教程(英文无字幕)
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