
城市风景摄影及后期修饰大师班 PhotoSerge - Cityscape Mastercl

【11463】-城市风景摄影及后期修饰大师班 PhotoSerge - Cityscape Masterclass

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  • 资源简介:城市风景摄影及后期修饰大师班 PhotoSerge - Cityscape Masterclass
  • 详细描述

    城市风景摄影及后期修饰大师班 PhotoSerge - Cityscape Masterclass

    城市风景摄影及后期修饰大师班视频 PhotoSerge - Cityscape Masterclass,时长:4小时55分钟,大小:3.29 GB ,MP4高清视频格式,作者:PhotoSerge,共12章节,语言:英文。
    PhotoSerge - Cityscape Masterclass
    4hr 55m | Video: 1080p
    This course will take you through 5 hours of video where I show you how to capture the most stunning cityscapes.With tons of live video from all over the beautiful city of France I take you through 30 retouching projects - including 4 behind-the-scenes videos where I show you my composition and process. 城市风景摄影及后期修饰大师班 PhotoSerge - Cityscape Mastercl
    百度网盘分享地址: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nRiFwyJh4Ox0axF6rUe0Og?pwd=7wac 提取码: 7wac